Linda Joyce Minor

Linda owns and operates two businesses in the Art and Entertainment area.
White Carnations Voices is dedicated to Voice Acting and By Request Designs is her Fiber Art and Photography work.
Linda's photography and Art work has been featured on album covers, Facebook, juried art shows and galleries. Her art work has been featured at the UW School of Social Work Gallery, C-Gallery-Seattle, Northwest Folklife Fiber Arts Booth and the Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue, WA. She has been a nominator/critic for the Theatre Puget Sound Gregory Awards--2019-2020.
She has done acting and Voice Over acting for dance theatres, musical theater, and was one of the original models for the Half-Life character "Alyx". Her voice over work can be found on Mandy and Backstage and shortly on her website White Carnations Voices.
Linda was born and raised in Great Falls, Montana. Her mother's family is one of the first African American families to have settled in Montana while it was still part of the Nebraska Territory. She attended college at the University of Montana (formerly Eastern Montana College), Billings, MT. and received degrees in Speech Communication/Theatre Arts and Psychology. In addition, she received an MBA and MLO from City University, Seattle, WA and graduate certificate in Fiber Arts from the University of Washington.